Sunday, February 20, 2005


Last night I arrested three people and ended up taking one of them home. The first one I stopped for a traffic violation. It turned out his drivers license was revoked so he went to jail. It was his first time, hopefully it will be his last.

Later I guy showed up at the station to turn himself in for a traffic warrant. When I heard that on the radio I hurried and cleared my call so I could go get him. I hate to pass on an easy arrest. This guy wanted to go to jail and sit out his warrant because he didn't have the money to pay it. He was prepared, he brought some books, socks, underwear and t-shirts. It was his first time to go to jail too.

The last guy I arrested I ended up having to release after I got to jail. I went to a loud noise call with another officer. We got there and did not hear any noise coming from the apartment but knocked on the door to talk to the residents. This guy answered and said he had had the television on earlier and that may have been why we were called. We told him to make sure and keep it turned down. While we were talking to him we checked him to see if he had warrants. Dispatch told us that the guy was wanted out of the county so I told them to confirm the warrant.

A short time later dispatch told me the warrant was good and that it was for possession of marijuana less than two ounces. I arrested the guy and he protested saying that it was not him. He went on to say he had been arrested a year ago for possession of marijuana and had been given probation. He said he had successfully completed probation so it could not be him. This guy was named after his dad and his name was the 3rd. I asked dispatch to verify that the wanted person was the 3rd and not Jr., dispatch told me yes.

I took the guy to jail. At the jail I completed the paperwork I needed to get him booked in. As I was finishing I looked at the confirmation of the warrant. The confirmation had the same name as the guy I had, but had a birthdate that was different. This was not a good thing. It meant that there was a typo on the confirmation or that the guy I had arrested was not the one that was wanted.

I went over to county dispatch where they actually had a hard copy of the warrant. I looked at the warrant and found that it was for the same name as the person I had but that the birthdate and DL number were different. I had to go back over to the jail and get this guy out. They had him already dressed out in his white zebra outfit and in a holding cell. They got him out of the cell and I told him he was going home. He was so happy. He got dressed and I took him home. On the way back to his apartment I explained to him what had happened.

It turns out someone had messed the warrant up. It should have been for the Jr. not for the 3rd, but they had gotten the correct DL number and birthdate on it. When it was entered into the computer it was entered under the name as the 3rd but with the 3rd's birthdate. When the county confirmed it the person evidently did not check the birthdate or DL number and confirmed the warrant based on the name only.

In that persons defense, she is a good dispatcher. I always liked it when I worked for the county and she was on the radio. Sometimes the dispatchers have to put up with a lot, they get it from the citizen's that call as well as the officers they dispatch.

Maybe I will get sued again. I hope not, it's not fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you that I have been in the same boat where you end up arresting a person who turns out not to be the person you want. You gotta figure it is gonna happen in this business, but better it not too.

February 20, 2005 10:12 PM  

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