What A Way To Start The Day
Officer’s arrived on scene and determined that the man needed to be taken into custody because of his mental condition and taken to a hospital. The man was a danger to himself and or others.
When we went to take the man into custody he decided to fight. It wasn’t much of a fight thanks to the taser one of the officers had. Once the man started fighting he just stepped in and drive stunned the man. The fight was over.
I was the lucky one and got to take the man to the hospital. It was about a 40-minute drive to get there. The whole time this man kept saying he was sorry, he didn’t mean it, that he wanted to talk to his mom and that he did not want to die. He did this in a whining voice; it almost made me want to commit myself.
Once I got him to the hospital he was unhandcuffed so the staff could medicate him. That did not go too well, he wanted to fight again. We got him under control and he was given his medicine and he went to sleep.
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