We went to the residence and I knocked on the door while she went to the back door. A little girl looked through the window and then her mom did, but they did not answer. I figured they were hiding their drugs.
Then my partner said they had come out the back. They weren’t trying to run so much as they were trying to sneak out. When they opened the door they saw my partner. She immediately identified the three people and determined who lived there. My partner then took the resident aside and talked to her while I talked with the male and female that had been with her.
A short time later my partner told me there was another man inside taking a shower and that a rifle was in the bathroom with him. My partner got consent to search the residence. We went in to locate the guy in the bathroom. As soon as we walked in the back door we saw drug paraphernalia, specifically pipes used to smoke drugs. We located the man in the bathroom. Behind the bathroom door was an SKS Chinese assault rifle. This guy was detained when we found he had an illegal knife.
By this time we had additional officers there to assist. I opened a closet in the bedroom closet and saw a whiskey bottle with a clear liquid in it and two tubes coming out of it. I am short and could not get around the cluttered floor to reach the bottle so my partner grabbed it. The liquid was field-tested and came up positive for methamphetamines.
No one in the house would admit to it belonging to them so we took all four to jail. The methamphetamines were later measured and came out to be over 400 grams, a very large amount.
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