Drunks and Guns
We went to the house and cautiously went to the front door. We did not see or hear anything unusual coming from the house so the other officer knocked on the door. A man opened the door holding a Budweiser can and a cigarette. He started to talk and had slurred speech. He said that he had shot a dog twice with his 9mm pistol and then got to feeling bad since it wasn’t dead do he shot it again with his rifle. The man was on the verge of tears and appeared to be intoxicated.
You can’t just shoot in the city limits and you can’t just shoot a dog. Depending on the circumstances of shooting the dog it could be a felony.
We talked to the man’s girlfriend who was at the house. She said she had gone outside into their fenced backyard to bring their dogs in. Another dog was in the yard and as she tried to shoo it away the dog growled at her. She went inside and got the man. He came outside and tried to shoo the dog away it growled at him so he went back inside and got his pistol. He came back outside and tried to shoo the dog away again. This time the dog tried to bite him so he shot it. The dog didn’t die so he shot it again. This put the dog down but did not kill it. He drug the dog across his yard to the back fence and left it. He went back inside and continued drinking his beer. Then he started to feel bad because the dog was still alive so he got his rifle and shot the dog again killing it.
The way the law is written he can kill the dog to protect himself so the shooting was not cruelty to animals. The other officer and I had a problem with him putting himself in the situation and never calling the police or animal control. He ended up with a ticket for discharging a firearm in the city.